Saturday, September 6, 2014

This way lies danger

Sometimes you can be distracted and forget about a certain thing. If you, say, discover weaving and take off on that trail for awhile, you may look around and discover your knitting is nowhere in sight. This is also true for spinning, sewing, quilting, embroidery, needlepoint,,,,etc. Ok, so I'm easily distracted.

This is the reason I give for leaving at least one knitting project out where I can see it. (It really has nothing to do with housekeeping. Really.) When I have exhausted myself on some other craft, I walk through the room and there is my knitting, happily waiting for my return.  The other things are important, but not more important than knitting.

Demalangeni in brown still awaits enough yarn to finish it. Reading the directions could have avoided that one, but noooooooooooo we had to charge on because we just knew there would be enough. Right? Wrong. It isn't Pulitzer, but read the darned instructions. Make the dreaded swatch. You can always use them for yarn bombing later.

Demalangeni in blue is finished and beautiful despite some flaws which I hope only I can see. The lesson learned here is that when knitting doesn't feel right it usually isn't right. Stop and see what the problem is. Or you can wait until you see it in blocking. Your choice.

Tried to start another shawl because I like the crescent shaped short row ones, but couldn't find one I liked as much, so I moved on to something new. A hat. A simple hat just to see if it can be done.