Having discovered the solution to my problem....I got cocky. I thought I could just knit away and I would have lace. Wrong! I would get to the end of a row and have too many stitches or too few to complete the row. So I figured intense concentration was necessary. This made my head hurt and took the fun out of knitting lace, but I persevered. I could not let this beat me. I tinked and I knitted, I tinked and I knitted until I almost wore the yarn out. But I discovered something. Looking at the chart (and yes I would advise a chart over written instructions for lace all day long) I discovered that the sea of symbols ran together and I couldn't keep my place. So, I might skip from one O or / to another and the pattern was contaminated because I had gotten the stitches out of order.
So how do I overcome this? I decided my brain didn't work well with the chart. I do not mean that there is something wrong with my brain. Recent brain studies have shown that we don't all learn the same way. I decided that not all brains deal with the "symbol sea" the same way and mine was one of them. In order to follow the pattern without losing my place I resorted to a number of solutions. One of them was to sing a song so that each word was a square on the chart. By keeping up with the song, I would know where my place was in the chart. I would not suggest this method as it did not work that well and people look at you funny.
I tried a number of things. I won't describe them all. The one that finally worked was to color 3-block columns of the pattern with alternating colors.
I still get hung up sometimes, but at least I don't want to ball it up, needles and all, and throw it in the corner.
Next Newbie advice: Find out how your brain works and do what you need to facilitate knitting lace...or anything else for that matter.